Weather Display Parser

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Ultimo 24 Ore - graphs and table
Ultimo 7 Giorni - graphs and table
Ultimo 1 Ora - graphs and table
Ultimo 31 Giorni - graphs and table


1 average windspeed wind speed 4.6 kt
2.4 m/s
8.5 km/h
5.3 mph
2 current windspeed wind speed 5.3 kt
2.7 m/s
9.8 km/h
6.1 mph
3 wind direction wind direction 186° (S)
4 temperature temperature 9.5°C
5 outdoor humidity humidity 90%
6 pressure pressure 1004.1 hPa
29.65 inHg
7 daily rainfall rainfall 26.2 mm
1.03 in
8 monthly rainfall rainfall 119.3 mm
4.70 in
9 yearly rainfall rainfall 124.9 mm
4.92 in
10 rain rate rain rate 0.000 mm/min
0.00 in/min
11 max rainrate for the day rain rate 10.000 mm/min
0.39 in/min
12 indoor temperature indoor 19.9°C
13 indoor humidity indoor 0%
14 soil temperature temperature 0.0°C
15 forecast icon forecast 0
16 WMR968 extra temperature WMR968 0.0°C
17 WMR968 extra humidity WMR968 0%
18 WMR968 extra sensor number WMR968 0
19 yesterday rainfall rainfall 41.7 mm
1.64 in
20 extra temperature sensor #1 temperature extra 0.0°C
21 extra temperature sensor #2 temperature extra 0.0°C
22 extra temperature sensor #3 temperature extra 0.0°C
23 extra temperature sensor #4 temperature extra 0.0°C
24 extra temperature sensor #5 temperature extra 0.0°C
25 extra temperature sensor #6 temperature extra 0.0°C
26 extra humidity sensor #1 humidity extra 0%
27 extra humidity sensor #2 humidity extra 0%
28 extra humidity sensor #3 humidity extra 0%
29 hour time 15
30 minute time 39
31 seconds time 20
32 station name and time added general Barcellona_Pozzo_di_Gotto-15:39:20
33 lightning counts since noon
if using Nexstorm, then it is the total counts supplied by Nexstorm
lightning 0
34 actual solar reading solar 0
35 day date 26
36 month date 3
37 WMR968 battery level 1 WMR968 0
38 WMR968 battery level 2 WMR968 0
39 WMR968 battery level 3 WMR968 0
40 WMR968 battery level 4 WMR968 0
41 WMR968 battery level 5 WMR968 0
42 WMR968 battery level 6 WMR968 0
43 WMR968 battery level 7 WMR968 9.5
44 current windchill reading temperature wind chill 8.1°C
45 current humidex value temperature humidex 9.9°C
46 maximum daily temperature temperature 12.8°C
47 minimum daily temperature temperature 9.5°C
48 current condition icon general Sunny
49 current weather description general Dry
50 barotrend last hour pressure -0.1 hPa
0.00 inHg
71 maximum gust for the day wind gust 19.4 kt
10.0 m/s
35.9 km/h
22.3 mph
72 dew point temperature temperature dew point 7.9°C
73 cloud height general 642.4 ft
196 m
74 current date date 26/3/2020
75 maximum humidex temperature humidex 15.0°C
76 minimum humidex temperature humidex 9.9°C
77 maximum windchill temperature windchill 12.8°C
78 minimum windchill temperature windchill 7.4°C
79 davis VP UV VP 0.0
110 maximum heat index temperature heat index 12.8°C
111 minimum heat index temperature heat index 9.5°C
112 heat index temperature heat index 9.5°C
113 maximum average wind speed for the day wind speed 14.7 kt
7.6 m/s
27.2 km/h
16.9 mph
114 lightning count last minute lightning 0
115 time of last lightning count lightning ---
116 date of last lightning count lightning ---
117 average wind speed direction wind direction 177° (S)
118 nexstorm distance of last strike lightning 0
119 nexstorm bearing of last strike lightning 0° (N)
120 extra temperature sensor #7 temperature extra 0.0°C
121 extra temperature sensor #8 temperature extra 0°C
122 extra humidity sensor #4 humidity extra 0%
123 extra humidity sensor #5 humidity extra 0%
124 extra humidity sensor #6 humidity extra 0%
125 extra humidity sensor #7 humidity extra 0%
126 extra humidity sensor #8 humidity extra 0%
127 VP solar reading VP 0.0 W/m2
128 max indoor temperature indoor 21.5°C
129 min indoor temperature indoor 19.8°C
130 apparent temperature temperature 7.8°C
131 max barometer pressure 1004.3 hPa
29.66 inHg
132 min barometer pressure 995.7 hPa
29.40 inHg
133 max gust last hour wind gust 19 kt
9.8 m/s
35.2 km/h
21.9 mph
134 max gust last hour time wind gust 09:02
135 max gust today time wind gust 09:02
136 max apparent temperature temperature 13.4°C
137 min apparent temperature temperature 5.9°C
138 max dew point temperature dew point 11.9°C
139 min dew point temperature dew point 7.5°C
140 max gust in the last minute wind gust 6 kt
3.1 m/s
11.1 km/h
6.9 mph
141 year date 2020
142 THSWI index general 2020
143 temperature trend temperature -1
144 humidity trend humidity 1
145 humidex trend temperature humidex -1
156 VP leaf wetness VP 0.0
157 VP soil moisture VP 0.0
158 10 minute average windspeed wind speed 2.9 kt
1.5 m/s
5.4 km/h
3.3 mph
159 wet bulb temperature 8.7°C
160 latitude general 38.0
161 longitude general 15.0
162 9am reset rain total rainfall 26.2 mm
1.03 in
163 daily high humidity humidity 96 %
164 daily low humidity humidity 83 %
165 midnight reset rain total rainfall 0 mm
0.00 in
166 time of daily low windchill temperature windchill 12:19
167 current cost channel 1 other 0 W
168 current cost channel 2 other 0 W
169 current cost channel 3 other 0 W
170 current cost channel 4 other 0 W
171 current cost channel 5 other 0 W
172 current cost channel 6 other 0 W
173 daily wind run wind run 47.9 km
29.8 mi
174 time of daily max temperature temperature 00:04
175 time of daily min temperature temperature 15:39
176 10 min wind direction average wind !!CWD_console_18.9!!
177 version of Weather Display general


sun rise 07:51
sun set 20:17
moon rise 09:37
moon set 23:14
moon phase 4.51%


monthly maximum temperature temperature 23.8°C
monthly maximum temperature time/date temperature 2020-03-01 14.34
monthly minimum temperature temperature 6.8°C
monthly minimum temperature time/date temperature 2020-03-25 3.49
monthly maximum wind gust wind gust 30.7 kt
15.8 m/s
56.9 km/h
35.3 mph
monthly maximum wind gust time/date wind gust 2020-03-25 12.58
monthly maximum pressure pressure 1028.5 hPa
30.37 inHg
monthly maximum pressure time/date pressure 2020-03-17 8.55
monthly minimum pressure pressure 819.5 hPa
24.20 inHg
monthly minimum pressure time/date pressure 2020-03-21 14.37
maximum daily rain rainfall 41.7 mm
1.64 inHg
maximum daily rain time/date rainfall 2020-03-25 23.57
maximum hourly rain rainfall 12.2 mm
0.48 inHg
maximum hourly rain time/date rainfall 2020-03-07 16.20
monthly maximum wind speed wind speed 23.7 kt
12.2 m/s
43.9 km/h
27.3 mph
monthly maximum wind speed time/date wind speed 2020-03-25 13.01
monthly minimum windchill temperature windchill 4.3°C
monthly minimum windchill time/date temperature 2020-03-25 3.58
monthly warmest day temperature -50.0°C
monthly warmest day time/date temperature 2019-05-16 11.24
monthly coldest day temperature 50.0°C
monthly coldest day time/date temperature 2019-05-16 11.24
monthly warmest night temperature -50.0°C
monthly warmest night time/date temperature 2019-05-16 11.24
monthly coldest night temperature 50.0°C
monthly coldest night time/date temperature 2019-05-16 11.24
monthly maximum heat index temperature heat index 25.3°C
monthly maximum heat index time/date temperature heat index 2020-03-01 11.16
monthly maximum solar radiation solar 0.0 W/m2
monthly maximum solar radiation time/date solar 2019-05-16 11.24
monthly maximum UV UV 0.0
monthly maximum UV time/date UV 1999-11-30 0.00
monthly maximum dew point temperature dew point !!EWD_console_18.9!!°C